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Construction Financial Services News.

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Top fintech innovation startup

2 min read

Constrafor Rockets into the Elite Circle of FinTech Innovation Top 50

Constrafor Rockets into the Elite Circle of FinTech Innovation Top 50

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SOC compliance certification

1 min read

Constrafor Achieves SOC 2 Compliance

Constrafor Achieves SOC 2 Compliance: Building Trust in Construction Risk Management and Payments

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Constrafor welcomes HSE CPM Scheduling Consultants

2 min read

Constrafor & HSE: Elevating Construction Standards

In a realm where meticulous planning meets tangible creation, the partnerships forged among industry frontrunners drive the pulse of innovation. In...

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AI Risk Assistant

2 min read

CoPilot Unveiled: Supercharging Construction Risk Management with AI

As the construction industry advances, so does the complexity and breadth of its risks. Accurate, efficient risk management is no longer a luxury –...

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Constrafor Interviewed by Midstage Institute Founder, Roland Siebelink, on their podcast

2 min read

Constrafor Revolutionizes Construction Procurement & Risk Management

Ever wondered how the construction industry could be more efficient? Starting our journey in 2019, we've had our eyes set on becoming the leading...

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subcontractor prequalification form

1 min read

How to Encourage Subcontractors to Complete Prequalification Forms?

Efficient subcontractor prequalification plays a vital role in risk management and project success in the construction sector.

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Subcontractor's Guide to Success

1 min read

Financial Strength & Risk Management: A Guide to Success

In the competitive world of construction, subcontractors face numerous challenges. One of the most crucial aspects to consider is maintaining...

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Adopting Subcontractor Prequalification Solution

1 min read

Adopting Subcontractor Prequalification Software

Subcontractor prequalification software has the potential to revolutionize the construction industry, yet some companies remain hesitant to adopt...

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How To Spot A Fake COI

1 min read

Spotting A Fake COI in Construction: Tips to Safeguard Your Business

In the construction industry, managing certificates of insurance (COIs) is crucial for protecting your business from liability risks. However, fake...

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Boosting Subcontractor-GC Relationships

1 min read

Integrated Prequalification: Boosting Subcontractor-GC Relationships

In today's competitive construction landscape, strong collaboration between subcontractors and General Contractors (GCs) is essential for successful...

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